Thanks for the mention, Jan! I hear you about Substack! I have deleted the app from my phone and that helps.

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Oh clever!! Still up for that chat when you have time!

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Yes! Let’s schedule something. Please let me know what your time zone is and we can discuss a time that works for both of us for a quick chat to see what you’d like to talk about on the recorded Zoom call.

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Great! I'm in Sydney Australia on AEST.

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i cant find a program with enough steps in it to deal with ALL my addictions! 🤣🤣🤣

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Me either, but maybe we should start the new one. I’m sure there will be a lot of takers!

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I’m in!!

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Haha, that’s very funny Seamus!

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The struggle is real! But I'm committed to real life, so Substack has to take a back seat.. And there is a price to pay for that!

On another note, I see we have a few things in common - a love of travel, including to Cambodia, being a big one!

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That sounds very sensible Lisa! Oh yes, love Cambodia, but haven’t been for a while, just subscribed to your stack so see you ova there!!

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Also subscribed - looking forward to swapping notes and ideas!

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I have a different kind of sleep reading and writing. I dreamt about reading and finishing my drafts. Then I woke up and realized that the draft remained a draft. 🤣🤣🤣

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Oh that’s disappointing, hehe, why doesn’t your draft write itself? Sometimes I like to ask my dreams a Q about my writing, and sometimes I get an answer! I’m thrilled when I do!

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Jul 22Liked by Jan Cornall

Guilty here too! It was 3 am I had insomnia and I was going to check my phone, and substack. I told myself just a few reads and it was 430 am!! My phone doesn't go to bed with me at least.

Sapoisexuality too funny, yes. Um Substack crushes hmmm. lol. Probably bots anyway. It's all about the mind, right? I am a middle-aged happily married woman you know 😏

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Substack does seem to be a bottomless pit of goodness. And I definitely relate to staying awake into the night. I need to place better boundaries around the all important sleep - but it's sooo hard. 💜

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Yes, sometimes it’s just too exciting and stimulating! I have been putting my phone far away on the other side of the room, so I won’t look at it till morning and I’ve thought of getting a digital clock, the kind they always used to have in motel rooms. But sometimes it’s great to stay up all night if you don’t have to do anything important next day!

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pritty sure my next pome might be a stab at a new thirty seven step program 🤣🤣🤣

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Oh, great, I'm hanging out for it!!

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Thank you so much for the mention and yes, the struggle is real.

I deleted all my social apps from my phone earlier this year (including Substack) and it was super helpful. It removes the addictive scrolling.

We got this!

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Good idea, a few others have mentioned this too. I did it the other way around as I don’t like all the SS filling up my email in box but I will try to be more disciplined with my phone.

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Jul 21Liked by Jan Cornall

Wow 20 years!!! Keep up the great work … but pop your phone in the kitchen drawer before going to bed 😉

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Yes, time flies! My first international trip was to Bali in 2004. 6 people, was brilliant! In the pre Eat Pray Love days when Ubud was a quiet sleepy town. Everything changes, nothing stays the same!

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Oh that’s a good idea as my kitchen is far away from my bedroom! I wrote a poem once about how I was going to buy an old fashioned clock ⏰ for this same purpose. I must do it!

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Thanks so much for the mention and happy to be a part of your obsession 😂

Also, just yesterday I was thinking of writing something similar - not so much about losing sleep, but about just how much great reading there is in here. And so often it seems to be exactly what I need to read at exactly the right time. Like magic ✨

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Yes! It is so magic, as you say, the right thing at the right time! There are so many brilliant minds here on SS, yours included. It’s very exciting!

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Thank you for the sweet mention, Jan! I see others in the comments mentioning that they deleted the Substack app--I second that. I still check it multiple times a day on my laptop (because I love it!), but my relationship with Substack is way healthier now that I don't get notifications on my phone.

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Yes, I can see the wisdom of that but I like the convenience of the phone. I will try to be more disciplined esp in the middle of the night!

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Thanks so much for the shoutout Jan! Great to discover you too!

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No worries Tom, most welcome!

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Thanks to all of you for keeping me updated and sharing this amazing site.

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Thanks Cynthia! Happy to have found you too!

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Hi Jan!

Ohhhh we need to connect.

Just restacked that you mentioned me with Kristi and Co.

But hey (!!!) I also once visited Ischia. For my honey moon.

What great retreats and everything.

Let's chat via DM.

I also often am awake at night (because of my kiddos and baby) and then I'll write a newsletter or read yours here, it's almost midnight in Germany



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Jul 20·edited Jul 20Author

Oh yes, I'd love that. Thanks for the restack! Great to know you are burning the midnight oil too in another time zone! And Ischia, yes! this will be my first time but last year we were in Florence and a village nearby. Sweet dreaming!

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Would love to learn more about it Jan. But on another day :D

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yes, yes, no rush, Sunday here, day of rest!

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Oh Jane, good to hear I’m not alone! Oh bots! Hadn’t considered that. Well,whether happily married or happily single, we all like a bit of excitement in the middle of the night!

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The Substack obsession is real! I've had to be so careful to stop and notice when I find myself seeking out those sweet, sweet dopamine hits. It's okay to crave engagement, AND I always feel better when I allow plenty of time to live my actual life. Go touch grass, as the kids say.

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Yes, great advice! I sent my interview (finally) to you by email, hope it came through!

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Yes, I saw! I even wrote you back. Hopefully my reply came through???

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Thanks Robin, it didn’t come through yet, can you send again?

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